
django-cruditor supports Python 3 only and requires at least Django 1.11 (because of the template based widget rendering). Optional dependencies are django-tables2, django-filter and django-tapeforms. Depending on what parts of django-cruditor you want to use, you have to install them manually.

To start, simply install the latest stable package using the command

$ pip install django-cruditor

In addition, you have to add 'cruditor' to the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your

If you’re planing to us the ListViews provided django-cruditor, you have to install django-tables2 and add need to add 'django_tables2' to your INSTALLED_APPS.

If you want to use the form rendering of the Add- or ChangeViews, you’ll need django-tapeforms. Don’t forget to add tapeforms to your settings’ INSTALLED_APPS.

Finally, if you want to use the filtering capabilities of django-cruditor ListViews, install django-filter and add django_filters to your INSTALLED_APPS.

Thats it, now continue to the Usage section to learn how to render your forms to HTML.